3 CRM features you need to take advantage of

Learn how to maximize the impact of your CRM—ella’s way

Your CRM may just be one of many sales tools at your disposal—but it’s arguably the most valuable. 

The most obvious benefit of your CRM is that it stores all your sales data in one place and allows you to access that data in a user-friendly format. Sales managers can then easily monitor sales processes—ideally resulting in better revenue performance.

Are you maximizing the capabilities of your CRM? Don’t forget about these three key features:

A central location for all your sales data

Contacts, opportunities, and sales activities—data that used to live in multiple locations—are now easily accessible from a centralized platform. This means you can streamline your sales process, gain efficiency, get back valuable time, and close more deals. 

Automated reporting

Speaking of efficiency, your CRM enables you to prepare weekly/monthly/quarterly/annual (you get the idea) reports—in just a few clicks. A good CRM allows you to do this via a user-friendly dashboard, giving you visibility into what’s happening at all stages of the funnel in an instant.

Automation, period

Nothing saves time like an automated system that handles repetitive administrative tasks, triggers reminders for sales activities, and stores product and pricing details in an easily accessible platform. Make sure you’re aware of the automation capabilities of your CRM—and use them!

Your CRM isn’t just for your company’s customer support and marketing departments. Leveraging these three essential features will help you turn your sales department into a revenue-generating machine.

Happy selling!


Sales Sidekick



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